Once the information is entered select "Next". In the Description field you can enter information which will help you identify the account. In this step, the “Name” field will be your own name or that of the email account holder, and in the “Email” and “Password” section you will need to enter your email account details. Step 7: You will then be directed to the new account creation screen where you will need to fill in the account details, this can be seen below.

Step 6: Once you have selected Other, you will then need to select "Add Mail Account". Step 5: Once the Add account button has been selected you will see the options shown below, please select "Other". Step 4: You will then need to select the "Add Account" option. Step 3: You will then need to select the "Accounts" option. Step 2: Now you will need to select the "Mail" option in the settings as can be seen below. Step 1: Select the Settings option on your phone. The actual layout of your interface may differ from the images below**
This article will detail how to use the e-mail accounts that you have set up on your iPhone or iPad.

A mail client lets you access your email account from an app on your computer or mobile device, examples of this are Apple mail and Outlook. This guide is designed to assist you configure a mail client to access an email address.